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Terrifying Tunes at the MEF Pumpkin Patch

  • Moreland Woods 4835 Doyle Rd San Jose, CA, 95129 United States (map)

Come hear the EDMS Jazz Band and the Elementary Band and Orchestra perform at the MEF Pumpkin Patch!

Tentative schedule:

  • 5-6 Honor Orchestra

  • 6-7 Honor Band

  • 7-7:30 EDMS Jazz Band

  • 7:30-8 MMS Jazz Band

The Pumpkin Patch is a volunteer fundraiser for the Moreland Education Foundation. Every dollar raised benefits Moreland students! Come for food, games and the super popular Haunted Trail. Entrance to the Patch is free; food and tickets for the game and the Haunted Trail are sold at the Patch. More information here.

October 16

WAT 2024: Walkathon Registration

October 25

EDS Night at the MEF Pumpkin Patch